Preparation and Safety Measures

The EAPC operates under the strictest international and local standards, equipped with advanced safety, prevention and control measures, and uses the latest technological measures in the field. The EAPC and its employees undergo professional training and exercises regularly.

Line Control

EAPC regularly scans the pipeline in order to locate and treat the lines proactively and immediately. The scans are carried out by, among other means, using In Line Inspection – a dedicated robot that is inserted into the pipeline, moves inside it and checks its integrity with MFL technology, which signals the exact location of a defect, its nature, its severity, and the rate of development relative to the previous test, thus enabling rapid, accurate and predictable treatment of the pipe. According to international standards, it is required that this test be performed every five years, but the EAPC carries out this test more frequently than is necessary – every two and a half years. 

In addition, the EAPC conducts physical scans done by qualified personnel who walk along the lines with instruments that transmit electromagnetic waves, through which they can detect defects in the external coating of the pipe that alert them before a failure occurs.
The company has a cathode protection system for tanks and fuel lines, which is responsible for ensuring that corrosion levels remain minimal, according to the most stringent international and local standards.

Leak Control Measures

The EAPC is equipped with an API1130-certified leak control system, which was manufactured in accordance with the company’s pipeline. The system alerts and provides data (size and location) to the company’s control room in the event of a leak, thus enabling immediate and rapid treatment when an incident occurs.

Performing smart In Line inspections every two and a half years (exceeding the required standard of every five years)

Manned Control Rooms 24/7


Liter of extinguishing concentrate for fire engines


Liter per minute water supply to extinguish container roof


Seconds from the moment of ignition to receiving an alert


Firefighters manning a shift at every site


Fully equipped and prepared fire engines

Independent fire extinguishing array and control systems

EAPC has an independent and organic fire team, so the company is able to independently handle fire-fighting events in its area. The EAPC firefighters have often helped the regional fire crews to put out fires in the cities where its facilities are located. The firefighting team is made up of employees who receive professional training in Europe and the United States. The team undergoes concentrated training, theory studies and practical exercises unique to fire incidents at tank farms. The team performs a number of multi-system concentrated exercises a year, in collaboration with the fire department, MDA, Home Front Command, the police and more. 

EAPC is equipped with the best equipment to locate and extinguish fires, and fully complies with the instructions of the 511 Chief Fire Inspector statute that defines the means required to extinguish a fire in a tank farm and the manner of extinguishing. The company has 7 fire trucks and advanced firefighting equipment. All of the company’s tools have an infrared-based fire detection system that can detect a fire as soon as its aflame. In the event of a blaze, the system sends an alert and activates cameras, which transmit a real-time image to the control rooms. 

The array has a lightning rod system installed as part of the alerts system, which aims to prevent a lightning strike that could cause a fire during a storm.

360 degree oil-boom

Yearly exercises for ocean spill incidents

Dedicated boats for an immediate response to a marine emergency

At Sea

The EAPC conducts regular exercises for sea pollution incidents and defines the procedures and treatment methods in a factory emergency plan approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The company’s emergency teams are certified by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to handle marine pollution incidents and perform two exercises per year. 

The EAPC operates regularly with the National Marine Environmental Protection Unit and the Eilat Marine Environmental Protection Station of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The company is equipped with all the tools required to deal with ocean spills; unique pumping facilities, marine blockers, floating tanks and dedicated boats.
While a ship docks at the EAPC port in Eilat, a unique oil-boom, the only one of its kind anywhere in the world, is deployed around it and surrounds the tanker on all sides (360 degrees) and prevents any possibility of leakage outside of the area.

Air Monitoring Stations

In the Air

The EAPC is careful to maintain the air quality in its environment. The company operates three air monitoring stations in Ashkelon, Zikim and Eilat, which monitor the air and show that there is no deviation from the standard set by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The monitoring findings are published in real-time, 24/7, on the Ministry of Environmental Protection website and on the company’s website. According to all the frequent measurements done of the containers and according to the calculations made for control purposes, the concentration of volatile materials in the air is maintained at a very low level, lower than the defined standard that is one of the strictest in the world.


The EAPC has a storage capacity of 410,000 cubic meters of fuel products (gasoline, diesel and diesel fuel) at the Ashkelon Port. The storage system for fuel products is connected to Terminal No. 1 and Terminal No. 2 for unloading and loading. The terminals can accommodate tankers with a load of up to 130,000 tons.

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